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Camp David - Day 7
Day 7 was an exercise in the discovery of interests.
It may amaze some that it took six days to get to what the parties were really after, but let me assure you that is not unusual in complex disputes.
Camp David - Day 6
Begin wakes up to the fact that the Egyptians came with a proposal, the US has now prepared one, and the Israelis have nothing to offer except intransigence.
Case Study: Lunch in Baltimore
Medcorp approaches sixty-five year old Doctor about buying his practice for several million dollars (price TBD)
Camp David - Day 5
The issues all resulted from Israel’s stunning victory in the Six-Day War of 1967.
Camp David - Day 4
8:30 am – Carter meets with the US team.
Lesson 1: When things are not working, stall.
Camp David - Day 3
Carter seemed unsure of what to do in light of Sadat’s aggressive opening move.
Camp David - Day 2
After a disappointing meeting with Begin at the end of Day One, Carter started Day Two with a 10:00 a.m. meeting with Sadat.
Camp David - Day 1
Consider the planning: the menus, the accommodations of the teams with their “secretarial staff, physicians, personal chefs, communication specialists, and ‘bullshit artists'”, more than 100 people, all told.
The Camp David Accords - Prolouge
One of my negotiation study groups is covering “13 Days in September” by Lawrence Wright.
Counting Days
You owe opposing counsel some supplemental responses to discovery, which you know are due thirty days before trial.
Emotions and Negotiations
One school of thought among expert negotiators is that emotion is the enemy in any negotiation.
Tip Jars for Mediators
Take a Mason Jar.
Create a somewhat cheesy label, nothing word-processed, more like child-with-crayola, that says, “Tip Jar.”
Financial Mediation for Couples - Vaccine for Divorce?
John Gottman is the predominant guru on the subject of why marriages survive or fail (see, e.g., The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work).
The Texas Two-Step: MSAs in Property Cases?
I call it “the Texas Two-Step.”
You go to mediation, reach an agreement to settle a divorce, and set it in concrete with a Mediated Settlement Agreement (MSA).
Negotiations: The People Problem
Failing to deal with others sensitively as human beings prone to human reactions can be disastrous for a negotiation.
In Defense of Positional Bargaining
Fisher and Ury begin their seminal work, Getting to Yes, by stating the problem: positional bargaining.
Is it Ever OK to Bargain Against Yourself?
We all like rules of thumb.
They conserve mental energy.
Negotiation, like wisdom, seems especially prone to rules of thumb, shortcuts to success.
Cliff Dwelling
Here we are. But, why?
Both parties have made fundamental negotiation errors. Allow me to pontificate about a few (I waited until I couldn’t stand it anymore) and offer some purely subjective comments.
Negotiation Study Groups
Why do so many lawyers believe that negotiation is innate or just a matter of learning a few well-worn aphorisms like “Never make the first offer”; or, even worse, they simply fake it?