Book Recommendation: How To Sweet Talk A Shark


Written by Governor Bill Richardson, this is a master class for negotiators (and we are all negotiators).

Chock full of unbelievable anecdotes, Richardson shares his persuasive methods with a healthy dose of humor and some good gossip about his relationship with the Clintons.

Who else held hostage negotiations with the likes of Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong-un?

His success merits our attention to his methods.

For local lawyers who negotiate in my particular jungle, Richardson’s methods would turn mediation, for one, on its head.

A few excerpts:

“Sometimes the best you can hope for is an agreement of any kind – something that can establish a working relationship going forward – followed by an awkward handshake.”

“When dealing with humans, with our human foibles, human self-interest, human egos, and human error, sometimes the only option is to throw out all of the options and improvise.”

“ … though nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times, I have never won.”

“The best I can offer you is a lesson by example. . . Think of this as how to negotiate in a million easy steps.”

“My overriding operating theory … that we almost always benefit from talking, even to our enemies.”

“For their part, the books on negotiation that fill the business bestseller lists teach valuable lessons, but they are lessons that are useful primarily when the negotiators are balanced, coherent, and willing partners.”

Bill characterized negotiating with North Korea over the release of helicopter pilots, David Hilemon and Bobby Hall, as “one of the classic tactics from Negotiation 101: stalling.”

“As a negotiator, the real test for me is whether or not I want to be patient.”

To be continued …


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